Mental health for dog people.
(The training your dog sends YOU to.)
Handlers & Humans LLC offers support and education the human side of the leash.
Ready to learn how to cope with your canine?
Let's Talk!Our journey went from reactive to resilient...

Jess Adam is a coach for dog people. She blends her professional background as a licensed therapist with her lived experience as a dog mom to a lovable, anxious, and reactive lab-pit mix named Dio.
Inspired by a difficult and emotional training journey with Dio, Jess created services to support dog lovers through issues such as...
- Coping with the impact of dog behavioral or health issues
- Human mindset & regulation related to the dog training process
- Navigating rehoming or behavioral euthanasia
- Canine-human bonding, relationship, and connection
- Impact of dog-related challenges on human relationships
- Handler confidence building
- Social stigma related to dog behavior
- ... and so much more!

Kelli & Cosmo
"Handlers & Humans helped me change the way I think about our training journey.
Since working with Jess, my negative emotions about my dog aren’t as extreme.
When we have bad days, I am better able to recognize that our journey is not linear and I can accept the ups and downs of our training journey. I also appreciate our good moments even more.
Jess makes you feel understood and seen in a way that the rest of the world never does when you have a reactive dog.
My life has changed in that I have more hope for the future with my dog."

Virginia & Tater
"I'm a first time dog owner to a reactive dog, and I found Jess at a time when I wasn't sure if I'd be served by traditional dog training or mainstream therapy.
She's the perfect combination of both.
Jess gave me the perspective and tools I needed to start loving dog ownership.
I didn't want to waste our best years weighed down with resentment and Jess has completely turned things around for us.
My only regret is not starting sooner."

Miranda Hitchcock,
"There's a ton of information and continuing education on techniques for working with dogs, but most of the human-centered training is minimal at best. The Person-Centered Dog Training Course provided a ton of tools that are useful for dog pros who are working with people, including ways to actually help clients succeed.
Even more importantly, the course addressed techniques for surviving being a "helping professional" that go beyond the basics of self care.
I highly recommend this course for anyone looking to stay in the game long-term and do right by their clients."
You love your dog.
Don't forget to love yourself.
If you're ready to care for yourself the same way you care for your dog, sign up for a free consult call!
Chat with JessCheck Out Handlers & Humans Featured On...
Think Like a Dog - The Connection Between Our Well Being and Our Dogs
And/Both - Understanding the Influence Our Reactions Have on Those Around Us
Dog Training Bytes - Navigating Expectations with Our Dogs
Mystic Dog Mama - Over Threshold: Supporting the Humans of Reactive Dogs
Soul Touched by Dogs - Your Dog Is Your Greatest Teacher: Lessons from a Reactive Dog
Authority Magazine - How to Maximize the Mental Health Benefits of Having a Pet
Wear Wag Repeat - How Emotional Wellness Enhances Dog Training
Holistic Pet Radio - Living With Your Reactive Dog, Why Mindset Matters
Rescue Dog Love - Put Yourself First to Better Your Relationship with Your Dog
Dog Mom Mentality - Training Yourself To Be a Better Dog Owner
Jess would LOVE to speak at your event, or contribute to your dog-related podcasts, blogs, etc.!
Reach out to [email protected]